Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Moral dilemna

Is it not our responsibility as adults to speak up for those who are not able to do it for themselves or don't comprehend the danger they are being placed in?

Speaking from what I think is sound mind right now, I would hope that if my friends saw me placing my kids, husband, or animal in a situation that could
potentially be deadly were I in a position not of sound mind, they would speak up. Please do so, if you ever see this happening! My families' well-being is more important to me
than the temporary anger I'd feel towards you.

Why do we always sit by and watch a possible catastrophe in the works? How is it possible that this is something so innate in humans to do? We just sit back, not wanting to seem as though we're meddling in other people's business. This is what keeps us from speaking up and taking a stand for an innocent little being that has no control whatsoever over the situation they are placed in...and its become normal to them, which will in turn repeat the cycle for generations to come.

A couple of completely different occurences with different people have come up in the past few weeks bringing me to this topic. This is the internal battle that I'm having: Will it matter or make a difference if I have my say...with the hopes that it may provide a needed realization that may lead to some sort of change? Or would it fall on deaf ears? If I don't, could I live with myself if something happened?

I am, by no means, a perfect person or parent(although I do have a friend who is: shout-out S.W.!), but these situations aren't the typical "turn your head for half a second and the baby fell over," its just bad, bad stuff that rational people would find apalling, but these people have accepted as commonplace. Maybe because they've never been caught by official authorities, or because they have never even been called out on it, or they just really believe its okay.

One thing I want to come out of writing this, if anything at all....is if you see me putting my family (or any family, for that matter) in danger in any way, I hope....no, I beg of you to speak up and stop me!

I welcome your thoughts.....


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Shantell Wyatt said...

Well, this is indeed a moral dilemna & it sounds like you are doing plenty of debating with yourself on the subject, but I think you answered yourself with this:

"I would hope that if my friends saw me placing my kids, husband, or animal in a situation that could
potentially be deadly were I in a position not of sound mind, they would speak up. Please do so, if you ever see this happening! My families' well-being is more important to me
than the temporary anger I'd feel towards you."
Oh, and thanks for the shout out :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I once heard from someone,

"It's better to regret something you DID, than regret something you didn't do."

If you look at your dilema with that in mind. You will see that in the end you will most definitly feel proud for speaking up, especially for those who don't have a voice, or often go unheard.

The Rampy Trio said...

Hey - I hope this works!! :)

Shantell Wyatt said...

Okay, scratch what I said & pretend I wrote what Jolina did! Good advice :)

Anonymous said...

I third Jolina's post. That sums it up. We all as parents need to remember that we are our childs voice and they look to us for protection and safety and love.