Sunday, April 13, 2008

New 'Do

I'm sporting a new 'do.

I was apprehensive at first, as I'm not one who is big on change. Its hard to tell in this picture, but I got highlights for the first time and this is really short for me, but I'm glad I did it. I love it!

Thanks to Danielle Newby at A.J. Passini, she is one of the best muti-taskers I've ever seen.

I think Cooper likes it too, but you can't tell from this picture.


Anonymous said...

I love your new do. It is very cool! Cadence likes it too although when I told him you chopped your hair off he thought you shaved it and seemed a little shocked that you still had hair in the pic!! He is also reading this while I am typing it and saying "Moooommmm" in an embarassed tone. Anyways we like the hair!!

Annie said...

I LOVE your hair!! It's a bit suspicious, though, that you get it cut with highlights just after I said that I was going to do it. So you beat me to the punch. That's okay, though, because it looks GREAT!!

Renee' said...

I love it! Very cute... not too short but short enough to be a nice change. :) Looks very summer-ish!

mattdaddy said...

Crazy wild! I like dat girl!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh Megan!!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!! Now I have to go get mine updated. My December highlights are a little beat down! You were stunning before and even more stunning now!

Unknown said...

I LOVE it!! Glad you went ahead and did it afterall. ;-)

Tressa said...

LOVE it!! You look like a HOT momma! I cant believe I have NEVER seen you with highlights before! It looks great on you!
you GO girl!

Shantell Wyatt said...

Whoooo look at that milf!! Not that I would, I was speaking from an 18yr old point of view. You know what I mean!

Love it :)