Do you remember this chart from school? Well, I believe I've run through each and every one of these feelings this week.

I had a feeling of foreboding, this internal stress that was eating away inside of me all weekend-I knew something was wrong. I kept telling Steven there would be big changes at MY work this week and my nerves were already fried.
Monday started with a serious bang. With the popping in every few minutes of coworkers telling me who had been let go, and the list seemed never-ending. People you never would have imagined losing their jobs and some who half expected it. My closest confidant was home sick, my stoic boss seemed frazzled, and the rest of us were left feeling like sitting ducks. I was literally shaking and everytime someone came by with new news I expected it to be someone leading me to the chopping block. When my boss was taken behind closed doors by our big boss, I knew that it was one of our turns. My single mother co-worker called me and we voiced our fears, knowing that the inevitable was about to happen. She said she didn't know what she'd do if it was her because she had no help to raise her daughter and herself. I then went to the restroom and on my way back, I saw her waiting for an elevator and she said quietly "Its me, they called me down to HR." I was dumbstruck and didn't know what to say. I naively waited for her to walk back by my office so I could offer a hug or at least say goodbye, but she never did and I realized they wouldn't let her come back up when I saw someone walk by with her purse.
Word was that everyone who would be gone was gone before lunch so there was a small sense of relief, but you could see the sadness and exhaustion in the remaining people's eyes. After lunch I was called in to talk about my new responsibilities and other changes. And when I say changes, I'm talking CHANGES. While this is a great opportunity for me and some of my other talented peers to advance along with exploring and learning different categories-its all quite an adjustment for all of us, but we welcome it. I will no longer have my great boss and can't help but feel mournful for all of the co-workers I lost but I do recognize the huge blessing this is for me especially in times like these.
For about a day and a half, this led to another false feeling of everything being in its right place....
I seriously feel for you and all of your co-workers... I will never forget the sadness that lurked around our office for weeks when people started getting laid off a couple years ago... it will get better. :) Everything happens for reason. Love you!
Gosh, that's so rough. But I'm really glad you still have your job. I was nervous that the last paragraph was going to be bad news. Love you!
Oh my goodness, that is so hard. Im so sorry you have to go through all of this. All I know is you must still be there for a reason. God has BIG plans for you! I think you are talented and amazing, and any company would be BLESSED to have you. Praying for GRACE and PEACE over you!
I can not even begin to imagine how you and everyone must have been feeling. It reminds me of the story we read in High School or maybe Jr High. 'The Lottery' Even reading about your emotions, and though I knew the outcome, I still worried you would be next.
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