Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shantell's Bday!!

What a fun night! Though those who are still out partying every weekend may have considered our night out lame, but it was a blast for me and probably the latest I've been out (without baby in tow) since my boy was born. I love meeting new people, and Shantell's friends were all such fun and intersesting women that I'm so glad I got to meet or see again.

One in particular that I'm somewhat selfishly glad showed up was Erika, who is an amazingly creative person who makes these beautiful cakes. This is the one she made for Shantell which was dark chocolate with ganache, rasberry, etc. along with the adorable fondant margarita glasses and limes. It was absolutely delicous! Seriously, anyone reading this should check out her website HERE and look at the pictures of some that she has made...talk about talent. I can hardly ice a cupcake well, so I'm a bit jealous. :)

After dinner we weighed going out to a bar or going shopping kid-free, and guess what us party animals chose? Shopping! And what did we buy? Mainly stuff for our kids. But we were out really late, so we're still hard-core.

Congrats also to Stephanie, Jeremy, and Jesse...you guys have such a sweet family and I'm so happy I got to be there to help surprise you guys after such a wonderful experience!!!! Jesse is lucky to have such great parents.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Take a hint, Mom

Last night, I was on the computer searching for and booking a hotel for an upcoming trip that I had to get done last night. I kept trying to do my best to engage Cooper while I was busily searching. I would read him the hotel rates, locations, and amenities, etc. but still felt bad for being pre-occupied but it had to be done right then. He kept walking up to me with that toothy grin, bringing me random books and toys he probably hoped I'd play with. :(

I frantically finished the search and found and booked a place. Meanwhile, I had heard Cooper moving around in his room and it sounded like he was searching through the closet. As I was finally entering my credit card info, he walks up to me and hands me a shirt that was tucked away in the far corner of his closet where the hand me downs for next year are hung(Thanks Shantell & Caleb!). And the shirt said.........

"I want My Mummy!"

Of course I find more meaning in things than I probably should but how perfect was that timing? That boy got more hugs and kisses than he ever wanted and will probably think that he should always bring me shirts from his closet now since it made me so happy.